HAPPENINGS!!!! – 07/08/2005
November 14, 2011- THE WIZARD OF MILKWOOD
So I figure I had better take a little time and write this news from Milkwood, for if I wait too long it will be getting into salmon run time and I will need to be at the beach with pole in hand!
Yes it is getting more difficult to leave Milkwood, I mean why go anywhere if you love where you are and it is giving you what you need. The offers and the requests to travel are there, but what a pain in the ass it is to travel these days. So for me to go off island even is getting to be ‘an event.’
Part of my news is about going off island to another magical spot on this planet, Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Jane and I flew to Bozeman, MT and drove through Yellowstone Park and though I had been in the park many years ago, it held for me more magic and beauty than ever! What an amazing spot on this earthen crust! The feeling of fire, earth, water, air…whew, it just kind of takes your breath away, literally. But the trip got even better! Dr. Adam Harris of The National Wildlife Art Museum in Jackson Hole had asked me if I would participate in the Wildlife Art for a New Century II Exhibition. For that event I created, per request, a not yet seen work. The piece I did was THE ENLIGHTENED ONE, the cormorant holding it’s fishing ring.
I had not yet been to the museum, and I was so looking forward to seeing the museum, the collection and it’s ‘creators’ Bill and Joffa Kerr. Bill’s generosity and love for my work has brought several of my sculptures into the museum collection. For that I am so very honored and grateful.
From the moment that we saw the museum at a distance, driving into the valley, we were thrilled and chilled. Banded burned poles from the charred, fire-stormed forests mark the entrance and the building is an architectural delight. The whole essence of the museum is that of coming forth from and belonging to earth, the Gaia Spirit.
I could write a very long essay about this, but I won’t and after you thank me for that you can take my advice and if you have not yet been to NWAM, you must do so, please. The impact of the museum, it’s people, the setting, the magic of all that is there and the ART!!!! I can say, along with some other artists that it is like no museum that I have witnessed. It is a total package!!!! It is a powerful entity, with purpose and passion and magical love.
So the opening was indeed spectacular with many artists present, even from Europe. It was great to see old friends and make new ones. It was a treat to meet Dr. Adam Harris, the Curator of the museum and to have time to get to know him and his fiancée Kristine on a more personal level. His work at the museum is wonderful and enriching to us all. He would say that it is the same for him, and yes that is true, we as artists have a real friend in Adam, a man with gentle and clear vision.
Then of course there was the fantastic couple Bill and Joffa Kerr. I am convinced that it is their magical union that must be bringing all of this beauty into our world! To see the two of them together, for me, was a highlight of the trip. I had not had the opportunity to share together time with them and it was good. The passion and energy that they have for each other and this museum is boundless.
As you are now obviously reading this, you must be someone who has some knowledge of my work and me. With that in mind you can understand how I felt about being at this museum. Everything that I saw and felt and took in was to me a reflection of what I hope my work is portraying and giving to people. So for me it was another one of those, AH HAH moments, when you feel another circle in your tapestry come together and form with the other patterns.
It was a very harmonious trip for Jane and me and we look forward to returning in the months ahead and experiencing more of Jackson Hole.
Some fine news at Milkwood was when I got a call from Bonnie Gengalhoff, Senior Editor at SOUTHWEST ART and asked if I would do an interview for an article. Of course I agreed and was most happy to participate. It got real wild around here with getting all the information together and photos and timetables and deadlines but we have been in that before, so we put on our fast lane equipment and got down to it and the article is in the July Issue. Thank You Bonnie and SWA!
I hope you have seen the article, if you cannot find one, please let me know and I’ll have a copy of the article sent to you. I was very pleased too that four of my galleries participated with great advertisements in the issue.
This will be the “Sculpture Issue” given to those attending the Sculpture Shows in Loveland, Colorado in August. With that happening, Jane and I will be off island again, going to Loveland to enjoy afternoon thunderstorms, one of our personal ‘highlights’ of being there on the front range. The Columbine Gallery and National Sculptor’s Guild is hosting it’s big annual gathering for artists and collectors on August 12, 13, 14 and we will be there. Come find us and have a great time!
There are some new works just out and some others on the way. I have been doing some wooden pear sculptures in burl wood and there is a really big frog coming out in bronze that will be revealing himself, naughty little frog, while at Loveland….so beware, he may just coax you into a little skinny dipping too! SO GO OUT THERE, ENJOY YOUR SUMMER, DO EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO DO AND DO IT WITH LOVE….OH BE JOYFUL!!!!
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