2009 LETTER OF NEWS~INESS – 11/20/2009
November 16, 2011- At our lovely Laura’s Wedding
- What I got permanently put on my calf last year in Maui
- Who I named my original sculpture Rumi Ki after!!!!
Yes, so here we are in 2009 and what are you going to do about it?
So it came in with a ‘crash’, this year and the stock market!
So what’s new, really?
It was 2001-2 that the Bush Administration and Friends produced enough fear that the public did believe in their threats of a recession.
I made it my own determination, since we do create our own realities, to NOT PARTICIPATE in that fear.
Today in 2009 we have been told by the same fear mongers that we are in a worldwide~global recession.
Poop on them I say yet again!!!!
WE have left Bush & Friends with their Capital Gains and just maybe Obama will with some intelligence and grace provide a path to some stability.
Who knows…the planet needs it though.
Politics, they have been the supporting “clay feet” for the corporate thieves and liars.
May they all fall down!!!! Remember that Abe Lincoln foresaw and predicted that “it would be the corporations that would bring America down”. Shame on them all!!!!!
But, Oh Be Joyful….
Once again I have decided not to participate. I have tried to live in a world apart from that of fear and separation. I live in a world of MY CHOICE.
Some folks say that I live in a ‘little dream world’. I choose to think of it as a BIG DREAM world…..and it is in that world that I join the tapestry of master artists who have all lived in their own worlds.
So, for me, I am very excited to move forward with hope and joy. First I am thrilled to be sending to you in a separate email, a link to my article in AMERICAN ART COLLECTOR Magazine. I love the title that senior/editor, writer Michelle Borgwardt gave it, “The Magic Man”! This article is about my show THIRTEEN opening on Friday the 13th in Charleston, SC at the Martin Gallery. This is a major one man show of new works created in the past year of paintings and sculpture.
So too I am delighted to say that I am the Featured Sculptor at the National Wildlife Art Museum in Jackson, WY at their Western Visions fall exhibition. I will be introducing new works at that show also. It has been a busy year and this coming time seems to bring the same wonderful ‘busy(i)ness’.
With this email I am sending some photos of new works that have been done this year and are just coming out for the Charleston show at Martin Gallery. I have one new work in wax that is being molded right now for a small bronze edition. I so loved the wooden original of OWL RIDING ON THE MOON that I made a smaller version to be cast and it will be a new work also for this year 2009.
So dear friends, I trust that you are going to make the decision for this to be a great year for you. I am going to stay creating in my studio and continue to believe in my own big world and keep using my ‘MAGI~NATION.
Lots of love and peace your way
Leo E. Osborne
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